Goodbye Bafana
Titre espagnol : Adiós Bafana
Titre russe : Прощай, Бафана
Titre original : Goodbye Bafana
Titres alternatifs :
The Color of Freedom | El color de la libertad | El precio de la libertad
Drame – Allemagne, France, La Belgique, L’Afrique du Sud, Italie, Royaume-Uni, Luxembourg
Année de production : 2006
Durée du film : 118 minutes
Réalisateur : Bille August
Livre : Greg Latter, Bille August, Bob Graham, James Gregory
Caméra : Robert Fraisse
Musique : Dario Marianelli
Goodbye Bafana
Description du film :
James Gregory once lived in a farm and had befriended a native youth, Bafana, and had even had a photograph taken with him. Years later, now married to Gloria and father of three children (Chris, Brett, and Natasha), James has nothing but shame and regret, as many South African Caucasians in the oppressive Apartheid-era ridiculed him, leading him to hate Africans. He seeks to redeem himself by spying on imprisoned African National Congress Leader, Nelson Mandela. In the restrictive high security prison his job is to censor all written and verbal communications between prisoners, their visitors, and correspondence. James is uncomfortable when he witnesses Caucasian police and security officers’ brutality against civilians, including infants, and tries to understand why Nelson became a rebel. This leads him to examine the ’Freedom Charter’, a banned document, reportedly known to incite violence against »whites«. And when he does read this document, he changes his mind about Nelson’s ...
Garçons acteurs
Shiloh Henderson
(Brent Gregory)
Thomas Galvin
(junger James Gregory)
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